Showing 26 Result(s)

What to try when traveling in Israel?

Hummus What is the most famous Jewish dish? Of course, hummus. Hummus is prepared from chickpeas, sesame paste, thina and spices. Hummus is rich in proteins and minerals, and therefore useful and nutritious. Hummus should not be ordered in cafes or restaurants. You will find the best hummus in specialized hummus, for example, in the …

How not to go to jail for shorts or durian

Local laws and customs are part of the national culture, and ignorance of them can lead to unpleasant consequences. And if in most European countries everything is more or less clear, in Singapore, for example, you can get a hefty fine for a wrapper thrown on the ground, and in Bangkok – for feeding an …

Jerusalem. What to see outside the Old Town

Mahane Judah Market The Jerusalem market is good not only because you can buy ripe mangoes, giant dates, 30 types of olives and original ceramics. And even the opportunity to eat the best hummus in the city in the middle of the market and drink freshly squeezed juice is not the main thing. The best …

King David Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel

The end of British rule in Palestine Opened in 1931, King George V, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair and Gary Elizabeth Tarr stayed at the luxurious five-star King David Hotel. , Madonna – the list goes on. However, he is famous not only for his great …

Hotel Nacional de Cuba, Hotel Havana, Cuba

A mafia gathering and a rich Cuban history Hotel Nacional opened in Havana on December 30, 1930 and has become a symbol of Cuba for more than 80 years. The hotel’s registration book can be read as a directory of famous and influential people of the XX century: Winston Churchill, Jean-Paul Sartre, Ernest Hemingway, Gabriel …

Jerusalem divided into parts

Due to territorial disputes between Arabs and Jews, the city is divided into two parts: Jews live in the west and Arabs in the east. All the most interesting is in the west. Treat the locals with respect, do not wear open clothes, be calm, tactful and smile! Local expats say they feel completely safe. …